Welcome to Moose trading-service.

Hello, I will try to introduce myself.

Avatar: Henrik Moose Hermansson
Soc: Calypso Rescue Team

Im 28 years old and from Sweden
I have been playing EU for several years with some longer breaks in. I have been a trader since late 2010. You can find me in Twin Peakson a daily basis.
Mostly in the evenings (european time).

Im a proud member of Calypso Rescue Team. http://www.euforces.com/

If you cant find me in Twin Peaks, contact me on MSN kaffebulle@live.se

Guidlines in my pricing.
100% - 120% = -2% to -3%
120% - 135% = -3% to -4%
135% - 145% = -4% to -5%
145% - ???% = depends on item

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trading now!

trading today!
Belk 116, Duru 115, Cald 114, Cumb 112, Narc 123, Gazz 116, Typo 121, Alice 105, Ang 110, Lyta 115, M/E Res 107 and many more>> Try Moose!

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